The foreign ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan held consultations in Rome

Astana. May 30. KazTAG – On the initiative of the Kazakhstan the foreign ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan held consultations in Rome, reports the press service of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.

“During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of interaction within the format of the Consultative Meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia. The interlocutors noted the importance of further expanding comprehensive cooperation in the political, trade-economic, investment, transit-transport and cultural-humanitarian spheres in the spirit of friendship, good neighborliness and strategic partnership,” - the statement said on Thursday.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu noted the importance of such events in international politics.

Photo source: picture from the open source
