Quarantine imposed due to outbreak of fatal cattle disease in Karaganda region

Karaganda. September 18. KazTAG – Quarantine has been imposed due to outbreak of fatal cattle disease in Karaganda region.
“Due to occurrence of emphysematous carbuncle disease among cattle, quarantine will be imposed on the territory of wintering area Sarytau Martbek Mamyrayevsky rural district of Karkaraly district,” reads the decision of local akimat.
Emphysematous carbuncle is an acute non-contagious disease of cattl, and less commonly sheep and goats, caused by bacterium Clostridium chauvoei. Characterized by lameness, crepitating edema and rapid death of animals. As a rule, death of animals occurs within 12-60 hours after the appearance of the first clinical symptoms.

Photo source: picture from an open source
