Kazakhstan proposed to indicate "star rating" of apartments for rent

Astana. September 19. KazTAG - Nurgul Tau, Majilis deputy, proposed to indicate the "star rating" of apartments offered for rent in advertisements in Kazakhstan.
"In accordance with the condition of the apartments for rent, they must be posted on advertisement websites indicating the number of "stars", using hotels as an example," Tau said, voicing a deputy's request, at a plenary session of the Majilis.
According to her, today 4.5 million Kazakhstani people need housing, including 1.3 million are young people. The share of the shadow market for shared construction in Kazakhstan in 2023 was about 70%.
To solve this problem, she proposed introducing "escrow accounts" into the construction industry, where depositors' funds will be stored until the facility is put into operation. If the construction company terminates the contract, the depositor can withdraw the money.

Photo source: picture from an open source
