Number of state preschool organizations decreased by 7.9% over five years in Kazakhstan

Astana. February 7. KazTAG - The number of state preschool organizations has decreased by 7.9% over five years in Kazakhstan, reports the statistics agency.
"In fact, over five years, the share of private organizations has increased by 29.2%, while the number of state ones has decreased by 7.9%," reads the report.
Over five years, from 2019 to 2023, the number of preschool educational organizations has increased by 763 units, or 7.2%. According to the data, in 2019 there were 10,583 of them, and in 2023 – 11,346. Of the total number, 5,791 organizations are state-owned, 5,555 are privately owned.
During this period the number of kindergartens increased by 1,643 units. In 2019 there were 6,633 of them, and in 2023 – 8,276. According to the data, with the increase in the number of kindergartens, the number of places increased by 22.9%.
“However, the number of mini-centers decreased by 880 units. From 3,950 in 2019 to 3,070 in 2023. The number of children attending preschool organizations in 2023 amounted to 984.9 thousand people,” the reads the report.

Photo source: picture from an open source
