Container transit from China via Trans-Caspian route has increased 20-fold - Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan

Almaty. October 4. KazTAG - Container transit from China via the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) has increased 20-fold, reports the Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan.
200 trains transited via TITR in January-August 2024, compared to 11 for the whole of 2023, the volume of container transit from China via TITR has increased 20-fold.
The dynamics were influenced by the launch of the Kazakh-Chinese terminal in the dry port of Xi'an , where 30% of container trains to Europe via Kazakhstan are formed.
To date, delivery times from the Altynkol station to Absheron (Baku) have been reduced to nine days, to 12 days to Poti/Batumi (Georgia), to 20-22 days via Poti/Batumi to Constanta (Romania).

Photo source: picture from an open source
