Most Internet frauds are committed from abroad - Bektenov

Astana. September 12. KazTAG - Most Internet frauds related to online loans and theft of bank savings are committed from abroad, said Olzhas Bektenov , Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.
"Most Internet frauds related to online loans and theft of bank savings are committed from abroad. The stolen money is cashed out with the help of so-called "droppers" - these are mainly unemployed citizens who want to quickly earn "easy" money. There is currently no liability for "droppers”. Moreover, people who "leak" databases online or to scammers are not punished in any way. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce  liability for the intentional transfer of other people's bank accounts,  cards, ID data, telephone number databases to third parties," said Olzhas Bektenov.

Photo source: picture from an open source
