More than 40% of respondents named corruption as main reason for Kazakhstan's failure at the Olympics

Astana. September 6. KazTAG – More than 40% of respondents named corruption as the main reason for Kazakhstan's failure at the Olympics, reports the DEMOSCOPE bureau.
"The DEMOSCOPE bureau identified factors that, in the opinion of respondents, prevented the Kazakh team from winning more medals. 40.6% of people are convinced that the main reason was corruption in sports. Other significant obstacles also named were: insufficient training of athletes (22.2%), lack of funding (19.1%), lack of qualified coaches and training facilities (18.9%), and poor development of youth sports (18.6%)," reads the report .
As specified in the information, "the survey results showed that the public assessment of the performance of the Kazakh team at the Olympics in Paris is predominantly negative." "A third of respondents are disappointed with the results (35.3%), even more (37.1%) expected a similar outcome of the Olympics. Only 21% noted that the team performed better than expected. It is noteworthy that the group of respondents who followed the Games very closely were the most critical of the athletes' results: 43.8% of them noted that the national team did not live up to their expectations," reads the report.

Photo source: picture from an open source
