Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan denied presence in ranks of suspect in attempt on life of Aidos Sadykov

Astana. June 21. KazTAG – The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan has denied the presence in its ranks of a suspect in the assassination attempt on journalist Aidos Sadykov.
“Regarding M. Karataev, we inform you that back in January 2019 he was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies and is currently not a police officer. Now, in accordance with the instructions of the head of state, we are taking appropriate operational measures to clarify all the circumstances of the case. Based on the results of this work, additional information will be provided,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said on Friday.
The journalist’s wife, Natalya Sadykov, had announced the alleged involvement of a police officer in the assassination attempt in Kyiv.

Photo source: picture from an open source
