“The AstanaHub project took place, but for effective growth, organizational issues need to be resolved. About T1.5 billion is allocated from the state budget for the maintenance of AstanaHub. The entire amount goes directly to pay for the rent of premises to the quasi-state enterprise JSC KazExpoCongress. The amount is greatly inflated compared to the cost of maintenance,” Smyshlyaeva said, voicing a deputy’s request, at a plenary session of Majilis.
According to her, AstanaHub is a rare technopark that does not have its own premises. In world practice, such organizations have their own buildings and even territories, this is an integral part of their ecosystem.
The introduction of AI into the public administration system is “quite a solvable task” for Kazakhstani developers. Most of them are AstanaHub residents. It is reported that the number of AstanaHub participants has exceeded 1.5 thousand companies, where more than 26 thousand specialists work. The revenue of residents for 2024 amounted to $ 1.3 billion, the deputy added.
Transferring the leased areas to the balance sheet of the technopark for independent management and maintenance, stopping the allocation of budget funds for these purposes, and using the freed up T1.5 billion to develop IT education and initiatives in the regions, Smyshlyaeva proposed.
Photo source: picture from an open source