Qatari investors received permission to buy Bereke Bank for T65 billion

Astana. September 2. KazTAG - Lesha Bank LLC  received permission to buy Bereke Bank JSC, reports the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market.
"The Board of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market adopted Resolution No. 66 "On issuing Lesha Bank LLC  consent to acquire the status of a banking holding company of Bereke Bank Joint Stock Company" and Resolution No. 67 "On issuing Lesha Bank LLC (Public) permission to acquire a subsidiary - Bereke Bank Joint Stock Company",  reports the website.
It was previously reported that the deal could be completed at the end of July, but the process was delayed. The agreement between the Qatari investors of Baiterek National Management Holding was concluded back in March. The entire share capital cost T65 billion, which is equivalent to 532,382,681 Qatari reals at the March exchange rate. Lesha Bank is a Sharia-compliant bank licensed by the Qatar Financial Center Regulatory Authority to conduct banking operations, including deposit taking, lending, investment operations, and collective investment fund management. As of July 1, 2024, Lesha Bank's assets amount to $2.05 billion, equity capital is $0.4 billion, and the capital adequacy ratio is 16.9%. According to the results of 2023, the bank received a net profit of $26.5 million, and for 6 months of 2024 - $15.5 million.

Photo source: picture from an open source
