Deputy is going to sue Air Astana

Astana. June 25. KazTAG — Majilis deputy Irina Smirnova is going to sue the work of Air Astana.
“Today at 23.35 I was supposed to take an Air Astana flight from Almaty to Astana. Then it turned out that the plane took off at 16.30. Seven hours earlier. (...) I will file claims and will go to court,” said deputy Irina Smirnova on her page on the social network.
She noted that neither she nor the company where she purchased the tickets received any notifications.
The deputy further wrote that she made calls to Air Astana.
“There are no tickets for morning flights. Neither economy, nor business,” reads Smirnova’s publication.
Later she received a message from the airline.  “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the change in flight departure time. The airline sends an SMS notification to all passengers about the changes,” the airline’s response says.

Photo source: picture from an open source
