Cattle price in North Kazakhstan region was many times higher in 2022 - Majilis

Astana. June 27. KazTAG - The price of cattle in the North Kazakhstan region was many times higher T841 per kilogram according to the data of the statistics agency, said Maharram Maharramov, Majilis deputy.
“The materials reflect that the cost of cattle per kilogram in 2022 was T841, while poultry meat cost T1393 per kilogram, chicken eggs - T29 per piece, and a liter of milk - T165, although in fact, food prices are many times higher than declared,” Maharramov said at a plenary meeting.
According to him, he reffered to the statistical data on average prices for agricultural products and feed for the period from 2021 to 2023 in the North Kazakhstan region.
“Also, according to the bureau, on the one hand, there is an increase in the population of North Kazakhstan. However, here the outflow of population is shown, the number of which is many times greater than the birth rate and influx of population. Accordingly, by resorting to arithmetic calculations, we can make sure that the bureau’s indicators on the population in the North Kazakhstan region vary,” Maharramov added.

Photo source: picture from an open source
