Bektenov took personal control of investigation into cause of tragedy at Nigmatulin plant

Astana. July 26. KazTAG - Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov took personal control of the investigation into the causes of the tragedy at the YDD Corporation ferroalloy plant, co-owned by the twin brother of former Majilis Speaker Nurlan Nigmatulin - former Majilis and Senate deputy Erlan Nigmatulin.
"I received the news of the tragedy at the Karaganda Ferroalloy Plant with deep sorrow. I express my sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims. I share your pain and the bitterness of irreparable loss. The investigation into the causes of the incident is under my personal control. The families of the victims will be provided with all necessary support," said Bektenov .
According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the families of the deceased who have children will be assigned benefits from the republican budget and social payments from the State Social Insurance Fund in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
"The families of the deceased will receive payments from the insurance company and a one-time payment for burial from the Unified Saving Pension Fund. In addition, the employer company assumed all expenses for organizing the funeral, as well as the following obligations: a one-time payment to the families of deceased employees in the amount of 10 annual salaries; assistance in improving the housing conditions of the families of the deceased and injured; full repayment of all loans of family members of deceased employees," the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

Photo source: picture from an open source
