Territory within radius of 30 km from Almaty to be turned into a zone of intensive resettlement

Almaty. December 6. KazTAG - The territory within a radius of 30 km from Almaty is planned to be turned into a zone of intensive resettlement, indicates the draft new version of the interregional territorial development scheme of the Almaty agglomeration.
“The settlement zone occupies the southern central part of the zone of influence of the city of Almaty with a suburban zone, along the main planning axes of roads of national and regional significance, railway lines and it is represented by the territory of the city of Almaty and the zone of intensive settlement within a radius of 25-30 km from the city of Almaty. In addition, along the planning axis "north-south" the settlement is associated with the industrial and recreational direction of development," reads the document.
The main principle of the development of the sub-zone settlement is territorial restriction of the city development, including through development of single-industry towns and counter-magnet towns.
“The constituent parts of the settlement zone are the existing urban and rural settlements, it is necessary to provide  reconstruction of the existing and placement of prospective buildings, social and cultural amenities, environmentally friendly communal production facilities, additional economic areas within the rural settlement zone,” reads the report.

Photo source: picture from an open source
