Trainmen raping passenger get less than 5 years imprisonment in Kostanay

Almaty. July 26. KazTAG - Trainmen raping a train passenger have been sentenced less than five years imprisonment in Kostanay.
"Kurmaniyazov (Kolkanat-KazTAG) has been sentenced 2.5 years imprisonment, Umbetaliyev (Zhetisu-KazTAG) has been sentenced 2.3 years. The case on sexual abuse in Talgo is a shame for Kazakhstan," wrote Dina Smailova in social networks, activist of "Немолчиkz" movement.
In November 2018 the woman was on the way from a scientific conference, she was alone in the compartment, two trainmen attacked, beat and raped her. The case arouse public resonance, both trainmen were dismissed and arrested.
Smailova told about pressure on the victims.

Photo source: picture from an open source
