Total amount of damage to Kazakhstan's infrastructure caused by floods may exceed T100 billion

Astana. June 26. KazTAG - The preliminary amount of damage to the infrastructure of Kazakhstan caused by floods amounted to about T53 billion, and the final amount may exceed T100 billion.
“According to preliminary estimates, infrastructure worth about T53 billion was damaged throughout the country. But these are preliminary estimates, because the design and estimate documentation is still being developed. Including 109 sections of roads worth about KZT39.6 billion, 48 social facilities: schools, hospitals, sports facilities worth KZT11.7 billion and electricity network worth KZT1.5 billion. So far the amount makes KZT53 billion, but, I think it will at least double,” said Kanat Bozumbayev , Deputy Prime Minister.
He noted that this amount does not include private properties.

Photo source: picture from an open source
