Tokayev ordered to establish location of suspects in attempted murder of Sadykov

Astana. June 21. KazTAG - President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev ordered to establish the location of suspects in the attempted murder of Aidos Sadykov, said  Berik Uali, spokesman of the president.
“The head of state is closely following the investigation into the attack on Kazakh citizen Aidos Sadykov in Kyiv. The head of state instructed law enforcement agencies to establish the location of the suspects and take appropriate measures,” reads the message.
On behalf of Tokayev, law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan are carrying out operational measures to investigate all the circumstances of the crime.
“The Kazakh side is ready to cooperate with law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, including through Interpol,” Uali noted.

Photo source: picture from an open source
