Terrible tragedy at Nigmatulin plant - the main culprit of emergency was the employer

Karaganda. August 23. KazTAG - The main culprit of the emergency at the YDD Corporation ferroalloy plant, co-owned by the twin brother of the ex-speaker of the Majilis Nurlan Nigmatulin - former deputy of the Majilis and Senate Erlan Nigmatulin, which resulted in the death of several people, turned out to be the employer.
“A special commission created to investigate the group fatal accident that occurred on July 20, 2024 in Karaganda at the ferroalloy plant of YDD Corporation LLP, having studied the circumstances of the incident, determined that the main fault lies with the employer. The commission members came to this conclusion after studying technical documentation, the results of the inspection of the scene of the incident, interviews with eyewitnesses, the conclusion of an expert organization, regulatory documents and other materials,” said the press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan.

Photo source: picture from an open source
