Nuclear energy is more environmentally friendly than renewable energy sources - Zhantikin

Almaty. August 28. KazTAG —Nuclear energy is the most environmentally friendly source of energy, even in comparison with renewable energy sources , said Timur Zhantikin, Director General of Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants JSC.
"As for the impact on the environment, nuclear energy is the most environmentally friendly source of energy, even in comparison with the renewable energy sources,” said Zhantikin.
According to him, in many developed countries, nuclear energy is included in the green taxonomy.
"In 2019, we conducted marketing to receive financially non-binding proposals from the most advanced suppliers of nuclear technologies from the most advanced foreign suppliers of nuclear technologies," Zhantikin said.
According to the data, 13 projects of modern reactors were received from six vendors from China, South Korea, Russia, France and the United States. It is noted that for the preliminary assessment of the proposed technologies, a proprietary assessment system was developed, approved by the well-known French engineering company Assystem.

Photo source: picture from an open source
