Dangerous level of air pollution recorded in Almaty

Almaty. December 6. KazTAG - A dangerous level of air pollution has been recorded in Almaty.
“Sunday evening. The entire city is covered in toxic smog. Windows cannot be opened. It stinks. Walking on the street is also dangerous. The city is a prison ”,  commented initiator of the project Pavel Aleksandrov the indicates of the website AirKaz.Org on his page on the social network on Sunday.
As of 19.40 in some districts of Almaty on December 5, PM2.5 values (fine particulate matter in micrograms per cubic meter) were recorded at 269, 279 and 308 μg / cubic meter, with average values for this time of the year in the region of 100-120 PM2.5.

Photo source: picture from an open source
