Criminal case opened into poisoning of dozens of children in the Turkestan region

Turkestan. June 27. KazTAG – A criminal case has been opened into the poisoning of dozens of children in a private kindergarten in the Turkestan region, Otyrar reports.
“Currently, an examination has been appointed and all the circumstances are being clarified. Based on the results of the investigation, a legal decision will be made,” commented the press service of the Turkestan Region Police Department.
In connection with the mass poisoning of children, the police opened a criminal case for violation of sanitary rules or hygiene standards.
“The regional hospital in the Kelessky district was overcrowded with small patients with the same symptoms of poisoning - dizziness and nausea. After breakfast in a private kindergarten, 34 children ended up in hospital. The preschool staff called an ambulance. 15 children were examined by doctors and sent for outpatient treatment. Another 16 were hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. Three remain in intensive care,” the message said.

Photo source: picture from an open source
