Biggest mosque in Central Asia opened in Bishkek

Bishkek. September 3. KazTAG - Sooronbay Zheenbekov, President of Kyrgyzstan, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, took part in the opening ceremony of a mosque, built by the department of religions affairs and Diyanet fund of Turkey, reports the message of the press-service of the head of state.
"President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and I are taking part in the opening ceremony of one of the biggest and most beautiful mosques in Central Asia.  It will be a center of devotion, where the Muslims will be able to pray for well-being and happiness. It will be a place of spiritual beneficiation. Our mosque will not only be a religious center of Kyrgyzstan, but also a beautiful architectural complex which will make our capital more beautiful," said S. Zheenbekov.
He expressed gratefulness to Turkey and everyone who was involved in the construction of the mosque.

Photo source: picture from an open source
