Almaty court sentenced Gulmira Satybaldy and her driver

Almaty. September 2. KazTAG – Gulmira Satybaldy,  ex-wife of Kairat Satybaldy (nephew of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev), has been sentenced to 12 years in prison.
“The Almaty Special Criminal Court considered a criminal case. The investigative body accused her of illegal deprivation of a person’s freedom, not related to his kidnapping, committed by a group of persons, which entailed grave consequences (part 3 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code). In addition, Satybaldy was charged with Article 194, part 4, Article 389, paragraph 2, part 4 of the Criminal Code – extortion and arbitrariness committed with the threat of violence, which entailed grave consequences,” said the press service of the Almaty court.
The prosecutor stated in court that in 2011, Gulmira Satybaldy proposed to a shareholder, who is a victim in the case, to do business together. By agreement, the shares were divided, and Kairat Satybaldy's ex-wife unofficially became the owner of 34% of the shares.
In 2019, Gulmira Satybaldy accused the shareholder of stealing T5 billion, and then, having conspired with her assistant Madi Batyrshayev, assigned guards to the victim, took away his means of communication, illegally holding him in his house in conditions of complete social isolation for 165 days.

Photo source: picture from an open source
