15 minors detained case of "false terrorism" in 2024 in Kazakhstan

Astana. January 24. KazTAG - 247 cases of false bomb threats were registered in Kazakhstan in 2024, and out of 48 detainees, 15 were minors, reports the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
"The internal affairs agencies registered 247 criminal cases for knowingly false reports of explosive devices installed at various sites in 2024. Forty-eight suspects were detained for committing "false terrorism", 15 of whom were minors," reads  the report.
In addition, 13 people, including one teenager, were convicted. Six parents were brought to administrative responsibility.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the false terrorists are required to compensate for the damage caused, which can amount to up to T2 million for each false call.

Photo source: picture from an open source
